Introverts are seen for the most part as a complicated lot or bizarre in extreme cases.
So even the best side hustles in the world won’t be a perfect match for them.
They’re, well downright exceptional in social behavioural traits and that’s a good point.
If you fall into this category, rest assured you’re not alone. We understand how you feel about the entire hustle concept.
In the light of the above, we’ve rounded up 8 best side hustles for introverts which are going to resonate with you. Best bet, you are going to find five of them appealing and worth taking a giant shot at.
Side hustles are super these days. They save the day and save you from going bankrupt when things go south with your job.
If you are ready to join the train as an introvert, come with me.
8 Best Side Hustles for Introverts
1. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is broad. There are so many niches that call for specializations. There’s copywriting, prose, flash fiction, fiction, editorial, op-eds, article writing and the list is many things but short.
Since you are great behind the scenes, writing is one of the best side hustles for you.
Whether you don’t like people or you do but not too many people, you don’t meet them doing this side hustle. It’s your work haven. Write behind the scenes for clients via social media platform like LinkedIn or on freelance sites and get paid without having to suit up every morning. So many perks in here.
As an introvert, an extroverted boss will definitely be overwhelming. Same could be said for extroverted colleagues. The sweet reality of this hustle is that you’re your own boss and work colleague. You love your space and quiet time which affords you ample time to brood. You have it in abundance with this side business and you are certainly going to knock yourself out on it.
What’s that saying about introverts and the power of solitude? And oh, if books are your favourite, one of the best ways to write is to read with utter concentration and learn the ropes. Both are hobbies of introverts. So it’s game time for the money.
2. Blogging

While this side hustle for introverts doesn’t guarantee instant cash inflow, it’s worth the patience. You’ll need capital to invest in hosting, domain name and a few other tools that will set you on a pedestal for success.
That being said, you need to also invest time in a particular field of knowledge. You need to become an authority in it before setting your first foot on the porch of blogging. You can blog about food recipes, cars, gadgets, health and any other field of human endeavour.
Be an authority in it and you can end up converting it into the full-time hustle. No physical acquaintances, no relationships whatsoever. It’s just you and your computer. The world gets to feed on your knowledge while you’re masked in the shadows of your computer.
This is a side hustle at the onset but when things begin to blossom, you can’t continue on a part-time basis. It has to be full time. In the meantime, it’s a side hustle you can attempt and see where it leads to.
3. Cleaning Services
Although you will meet a few people while doing this side business but interacting with them is entirely up to you. This doesn’t give you a license to become an awful snub by the way. You can run cleaning services for homeowners, offices, churches, event centres and many others.
You get the job done on your spare time, get paid and leave without playing the social card. You can be a janitor during weekends while you continue with your regular job on weekdays. It doesn’t require any technicality, just ensure the home is a spike and span clean when you’re done.
Side hustles for introverts in Nigeria where you don’t need any skill to indulge are quite a few, this is one. You don’t even need many investments; the tools you’ll need for work can be provided for you by your generous employer or client. What’s required of you is the energy to carry out a decent job. The pay isn’t that great, quite frankly, but that’s why it’s called a part-time job.
4. Virtual Assistant
In today’s digital age, you can become a personal assistant without personally assisting your boss. You can become a secretary without directly relating to your employer. That’s what virtual assisting entails.
You’ll be typing letters, scheduling appointments, reading and replying emails, running a few errands and even shopping for your bus virtually. A few personal meetings will be required if you share proximity with your employer.
For the most part, however, tasks are handled by you right at your comfort zone. This side hustle for introverts can be gotten at freelance sites where hiring happens by the hour. You don’t meet with socialites who drain your emotional battery, you run your business at the backdrop of your haven and you make money on the side. That’s awesome.
5. Graphic Design
Graphic design is selling hot right now in todays digital age. Every business needs a flyer and every program needs both online and offline publicity.
It takes about a month or two to acquire this skill and that can be done during weekends and during vacations for students. With consistent practice you can perfect it and then register with freelance sites. You get paid afterwards, the pay is usually encouraging and can increase with time and diligence. All this happens without you meeting your clients one on one. You also enjoy the perks of freelancing; accepting and declining jobs to fit your spare time without losing the said job.
Freelancing today is the new rendezvous for people who don’t like people. Let’s face it, it’s not easy dealing with people. Divergent views, divergent temperaments and cultures. Some can’t just bear it, they are introverts and you are one. Find your place here.
Beyond freelancing sites, you can utilize the social media to market your skill and get hired.
6. Start a Home Lesson for Kids
Arguably, it’s easier to handle kids than grown-ups. Whatever you tell them goes in. No arguments. Just meet with their parents and schedule how the whole thing will go. Weekends are perfect, ensure you suggest this.
Now that you’re antisocial, you can have this side hustle to augment your regular job without losing your mind to gregarious extroverts. Pick a subject you love and impact the lives of the kids you tutor while you make money in exchange for your services. Two hours and twice a week can suffice in supplementing the education they receive at school.
When it’s time for holidays, you have to squeeze out time for them, but that translates to more money on the side. So the time squeezing pays to the latter. If you don’t love grownups, at least, you should love these adorable little ones whose hearts are still empty and clean.
7. Proofreading and Editing

This is one of the easiest side hustle for introverts. Just keep an eye for details.
Introverts are married to books, movies, music, their thoughts and their mobile phones. They pay attention to all these when then go back into their shells.
If you’ve been reading consistently, you must have acquainted yourself with words, sentence structures, fine vocabularies and grammar in a general context. This makes you a human Grammarly.
Proofreading and editing for clients will pay you handsomely on the side as a hustle.
We live in a fast-paced world where people just scribble thoughts at random but need to present or publish them. They need you at this point and you’ll knock yourself out by correcting wrongly spelt words, changing phrases, reducing redundant words and making a fine piece out of the mini garbage hurled at you.
8. Become an Online Instructor
Some skills can be taught online. Graphic design, baking cake, video editing and a few other skills you can acquire that are suitable to teach online are selling hot at the moment. This list has no particular order of relevance or lucrativeness. But this part-time business for introverts will pay better relatively. Remember to create videos while backing them up with audios and quality texts. That’s how online tutoring works. You don’t explain everything, you explain some and leave the rest for audios and visuals. Create a flyer advertising the skill you are about to teach, the date and time. The venue, of course, is via a comfortable online platform that is comfortable for you, like Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Zoom, Skype, etc.
Promote the flyer as best as you can to generate leads. Then assemble everyone in the social media group you set up. Give a free lecture and redirect them to a paid group where the in-depth tutoring will take place. The freebie is to gain credibility. Payments won’t be difficult afterwards.
Introverts are special and their temperaments if well utilized, make them stand out. Most side hustles for introverts are tailored to blend with their psychological orientations. This makes it easier for them to handle without battling with the energy-zapping process of socializing while on the job. The list is up there, hopefully, you’ll find your pick and ride on it.