Finding it difficult to get paid for your skill?

Get A Step-By-Step Action Plan That You Can Model To Get Clients And Command 6-Figures Consistently For Your Business.

WORKS no matter what niche you’re currently in – be it – graphic design, crypto, UI/UX design, product design, data science, web design/development, Video editing, coding, and the list goes on…


Dear Friend,


If you’ve spent a lot of time learning a certain skill at some point in your life…


…be it graphic design, video editing, copywriting, video animations, website design, UI/UX design, but find it somewhat difficult to MONETIZE it…


Then this page is going to reveal the best way I’ve discovered  for doing that. 


See I’ve come to realize that “having a digital skill” is just one-part of the whole story…  


If you want to start GETTING clients… so you can quit being in constant fear as to where your next client comes from, get some testimonials and charge the same or higher fees you see people in your niche earning … then you’ve got to do MORE.


Or perhaps you already have a tech job, a social media gig, content or copywriting gig somewhere and would like to earn extra bucks on the side, remotely… 


You’re the ideal candidate that’d benefit from this goldmine I’m about to share. 


What I want to do is walk you through a proven system that shows YOU how to find your PERFECT client and how you can ultimately tap into the streams of clients currently online… 


A system that takes you from “no or low income” to  getting a full-time or part time contract, or even a gig that’ll pay you regularly.



Sounds like something you’ll be interested in?



If you said “Yes,” get ready to hop on and learn the most effective ways I’ve used to make millions online year in, year out and how you can too.


Knowing How To Get In Front Of Clients Is A Must, If You’re Planning To Earn By Selling Your Skills.

Hi there,

My name is Abdullah Ajibose

I started out as a content writer, writing blog posts for my website

Like any newbie, I was into it to get paid

And all I had to do was “be consistent”


So I got busy with blogging and kept it up for 9 months straight.



And even though I was decent at writing good SEO content and somewhat prolific at blogging at the time…


Finding clients, charging for my services and getting paid was a whole different story! 


For The First 9 Months Of Trying To Make Money Offering My Digital Skills, I Made NOTHING!!!


You see, I was the “busiest” yet, the poorest SEO writer.


I was working AROUND THE CLOCK desperately trying to get that one win, that one client that’d prove I’ve not wasted my time (which is a whole lot) learning how to write SEO contents… 


But like you might have guessed, none of the steps seemed to work.


No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure out how to use all the information I was getting from the Internet. 


Now, up until now my entire idea was to keep at it and I’ll make a headway eventually 


However, after waiting for months and months for clients to come my way, yet there was nothing coming in, that’s when it hit me…


I quickly realized that…


Writing Content Alone Is Not Enough.


I figured if at all I wanted to get hired by clients online, I had to do something different.


And I can almost guarantee, from experience, that if you haven’t figured out a SURE way to get clients, it’s probably because you’ve been approaching it wrongly as well… which isn’t an ideal situation YOU want to be in. 


Deep down you know it’s true. 


You know what? To really drive this point home, I have a quick question for you… 


On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with your current ability to take care of EACH of your financial needs? Whether that means;

Now, if you answered anything less than 7 right here, then it means I’m right, you are the exact same sport I was 5 years ago.

And if your answers were really genuine,


I’m sure you’ll agree with me that you can’t afford to treat “selling your skill” the same way you’ve always done – the way that ends up with little to no clients & money


…you can’t afford to lay around ALL day and when it’s nighttime, you realize it was a wasted day because you spent it unproductively: sleeping, eating, movies, etc.


And then you feel miserable because you didn’t have any job you could do BECAUSE, of course, there’s no one to hire you nor is there any job to work on.


…you can’t afford to feel lost and distracted otherwise known as ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’


…you can’t afford to overthink – to question everything you’ve ever done up till this moment, asking if it was all a waste of time AND then go over to do it again. 


…you can’t afford  to waste time on activities that suck away your free time without giving you any real results – causing you  major stress and frustration because you’re doing the work but you’re simply not making the money.


If at this point you’re thinking, “well yeah you’re right. I’m probably not making a headway because this has always been my fault – I lack the know-how” 


You need to know this; 

There is a much larger thing in action here. And it has nothing to do with

It’s something less obvious YET more important to note. 



“And what’s that?” You might ask

Getting Someone To Hire You or Getting a Job/Contract  Is A SKILL On Its Own.

Yet, not so many people treat it as such. 


Chances are you don’t know this either. 


So, you subconsciously treat the art of getting clients as a “normal” thing that comes alongside getting the skill. 


You spend so much time, finances and other resources figuring how to be better at your skill whether it be – graphic, video editing, web design, etc.


When in fact,  the most important skill in your career – which is getting clients whenever you NEED to – is lagging. 


This was also true for me; for the first nine months, because I treated GETTING clients as a secondary concern.


That went on until I realized I was stuck in a loop, and I had to make a pivot.


It was there and then I decided to SKIP all the generic info flying around and  LEARN THE ART OF GETTING PAID from my mentor, Mr. Patrick, who was making MASSIVE figures consistently on Fiverr by selling his copywriting skill alone.



Now, that may not seem like a LOT to you, but…


It was ten times the highest amount I had ever made working as a SIWES student (a meagre ₦4,000 monthly).


I even went on to become a Level 1 Seller on Fiverr in 60 days!! –which is one of the several marketplaces I’ll reveal to you by the way…

level 1 fiverr

And how has learning how to sell my writing skill on fiverr – helped me? 


Well…  I didn’t starve nor did I run short of money whenever I needed it.


In fact, everytime I had a need to come up with cash, I had a solid, proven way of selling my skill and getting paid for it. 


It became profitable, very fast.



Now, if you’re thinking 2017 was many years back, here’s a snippet from 2022…

And the cool thing was, it was not hard at all to set up. 


Did it take a bit of figuring out? Of course. But remember… I once had zero experience SELLING my skill at one point in time…



So, if I can figure it out, ANYONE can too.



How To Sell Your Digital Skill Online.

How To Sell Your Digital Skill Online” is a no-fluff  guide that WALKS you through how to start MONETIZING your very own digital skill… so you can go from “I don’t know how and what to say to get customers”… to “working with people and getting paid as high as #100k – #500k in less than a week of implementing what is in the book.


This guide is carefully designed to help you quickly master the three phases of getting clients online:


  1. Learning how and where to position yourself on the internet in order to ATTRACT clients
  2.  Where to look for and how to find jobs/contracts in the internet marketplace.
  3. Exactly what to say to get these potential clients to say “yes” and agree to move forward with you.

In order to do this, I broke this course up into 4 distinct chapters  that lay out the step-by-step plan you need to follow & implement as fast as possible.


It really is simple.


All you’re going to do is spend a few minutes reading each chapter and follow the steps I lay out for you.


This guide is for you if you’re into:


  • Digital Marketing
  • Graphic design
  • Videography 
  • Video editing
  • Content writing
  • Copywriting
  • UI/UX design
  • Product design
  • Data science/analytics 
  • Web design/development
  • Coding
  • and the list goes on…

Kindly note, if you currently have no SKILL yet, this isn’t for you, so you might as well leave this page now.


I am glad you asked. 

You see, in 2020, I released my very first ebook “Make Money As A Freelance Writer In Nigeria”  to a small group of students. I knew it would work – because it’s the exact system I used to make my first million as a writer. 

But I never imagined the impact it would have on people’s lives.


People like Amaka (who’s a student of Pharmacy, UNILAG) have used this same strategy to land clients that will be worth over $15,000 and… she got her first car.

…and here’s Ibrahim, a student of Microbiology, UNILAG.

…and below is Iyanu, who is also a student.

These results came from the first version of the program. But it’s my mission to do even more. 

My first book was solely for writers and wanna-be writers and how they can EARN money doing what they do best: writing. But then I started getting questions from people who aren’t writers, asking if there’s a proven technique for them to obtain clients as well… 

This is why I created How To Sell Your Digital Skill Online.  

Curious to see how effective this book will be to those that needed it – freelancers like you – I pre-sold it to a number of students just before I properly launched it.

And just like my previous students… Most of them boosted their earnings within 24hours and 1 week. That’s when it hit me, I had written a guide that delivers on its promises – helping anyone get paid for their digital skill.


Below are some testimonials:


Here’s What’s Included This Guide

CHAPTER ONE: Online Forum

You’ll learn…


Quick Start Guide: An in-depth breakdown of everything you need to do to get the most out of this course so you can start getting clients. 


Why Nairaland: I explained why Nairaland is often overlooked and underestimated, and how you can print cash from this goldmine. 

Getting Contracts: You’ll get a deep dive into the two most vital methods needed to get clients on Nairaland. 


Worth ₦20,000

CHAPTER TWO: Social Media Platform

You’ll learn…




How To Optimize LinkedIn: This part of the course explains exactly what to look out for when optimizing your LinkedIn profile so you can effortlessly attract clients willing to pay you. 


Getting Contracts On LinkedIn: You’ll get a walkthrough on the #1 way to attract your ideal clients and get contracts on LinkedIn. (It’s not what you think)

Worth ₦20,000





Connect With Prospects On Facebook: I’ll show you the finest techniques to engage with prospects while avoiding stalking or pestering them, which would almost certainly result in them losing interest in what you have to offer.


Find and join mastermind your ideal clients stay: A walk through of how to get into FB groups, fish out their ideal clients and get busy with attracting their attention. Nothing grand, anyone with a Facebook Account is able to grasp this simple walkthrough.


Worth ₦20,000



CHAPTER THREE: Freelance Platform

You’ll learn…



Fiverr Best Practices:  In this chapter, I explain who can use Fiverr to make money online. Listing the TOP niches that are profitable in 2022.


How To Create A Converting Page: There are thousands of videos on YouTube telling you about this, but very few of them are still applicable till date, here, I give the latest info as regards creating a converting page on Fiverr. 

Sure-fire ways to get clients on Fiverr: You’ll get to learn my simple approach to getting buyers attention and how to ultimately get them to hire you for your digital services on Fiverr.

Worth ₦20,000




Getting Hired On Upwork: You’ll get a walkthrough on the little-known  ways to get hired on Upwork – starting from how to sign and set up for success to writing your proposal in a way that attracts clients on the platform.


Upwork profile optimisation: Many lose their client’s interest even before they’ve got the chance to convince them. Getting this right means 80% of your hurdles are solved. 


Tips to increase your chances on Upwork: You’re getting a roadmap laying out ALL the ethical and smart tricks I’ve come to know, tricks that still work on upwork. I personally use some of these tricks to get gigs regularly anytime I decide to head to Upwork to get a client . 




Worth ₦20,000


Some of My Fiverr Earnings
My Upwork Profile
A Student’s Upwork Result

CHAPTER FOUR: The Most Important Part of This Guide


Here’s Why It Works

I’m not going to lie to you – my strategy for getting clients is not conventional advice. Because I believe the conventional way, sometimes,  isn’t the fastest way to do something.



Moreover, in this business, sometimes it’s best practice to zag while others are zigging, and that’s exactly what I did when I chose to nail down this client-getting skill. 




The best part is you can zag just like I did. It’s not that hard.


Your Clients Are Everywhere, It’s Time To Take Advantage & Have Your Own Fair Share Now. But It’s Not Going To Last Forever…




Great question. One that I had to think about for a long time.

I mean, being that the strategies in this guide is such a huge part of why my students were all able to get clients so quickly… I know this information is incredibly valuable.

Pricing it ₦100,000 (which is the total value of the whole 5 great resources at ₦20,000 each if you were to get them individually) would be MORE than fair. 

After all, when I was starting out, if someone told me there was a sure-fire way that I could start getting clients that’ll hire me, and pay me up to $500 (₦750,000) per project…  I would have paid almost anything they asked.

But I know that YOU – being a freelancer or an aspiring one, are doing your best to save up and be smart with your money.

And I knew that giving out ₦100,000 for anything… even a guide like this, might cause some stress, uneasiness and anxiety.  

So… I decided to drop the price and make this a complete no-brainer decision.

So when you get the How To Sell Your Digital Skill Online today… you’re not going to have to pay ₦100,000

In fact, for a very limited time… you can get started with this Guide for only…   






How To Sell Your Digital Skill Online. 

TODAY ₦3,999




That’s right, you’re getting a MASSIVE 80% cut, and I did that  just to make sure you get all these proven strategies in one place. 


Because let’s face it, if you were to go ahead and buy each of these chapters individually (which i doubt will be this comprehensive), you’ll get it for much more than ₦100,000


So the question now would be, is ₦3,999 too much to invest in yourself this ONCE and you get to have unlimited access to these proven tactics forever? 


Considering the fact that you can go on to make $100, $200, $500, $1,000+ from what you’re going to learn from this book, is ₦3,999 too much to never worry about where your next cash comes from? 


You said no? Yeah, I thought so too.  

Which is why I enjoin you to waste no time and get started TODAY.




Access To Our Private Members Only Community

To make sure you get the most out of this book, once you get it, you get access into my closed WhatsApp group. I’ll be available to attend to your questions and also add them to my WhatsApp group where I send the latest updates and job alerts I find myself.





Proven Message Templates (pdfs) you can use to pitch to clients


Ever wished for a template that walks you through an ideal conversation between you and client? Well you have it here for FREE. A proven template that tells you what to say and in what condition to say them.





There are 1.1 Billion Freelancers  on the internet.

And hundreds more are springing up  each and every single day.

Meaning you can’t afford to be just a video editor, a graphic designer, a content writer, a programmer e.t.c 

You have to do something different, you need to have an edge. 

Check this out: even though these numbers might seem overwhelming, there are still thousands of A+ freelancers that are getting paid HUGE figures every day online. 

Truth is, while some struggle to get ONE client, these people have clients reaching out to them everyday – even at odd hours.

So what separates every other “normal” freelancer from these A+ freelancers? 

It’s because they have the SKILL and the know-how of getting  clients online. 

They know exactly where to be, what to do, and how to go about selling their services. 

Luckily for you, I happen to be one of them too. I’ve hacked the method of getting clients online and that’s why I say YOU need an edge if you ever want to get hired these days.

This guide can be your edge to selling your digital skills. 

Which is why…

If you’re tired of not being able to earn money with your skill, and you have no idea how to be financially compensated for it – even though you’re good at it – I can help you get there.

 If you truly believe you’re decent at what you do… and if you truly believe that having the skill of getting clients online will reward you with the kind of lifestyle you always wanted… then it’s time to go all in and learn how to really make this happen.

I hope you make the right decision.


See you inside.

P.S.: There’s one last thing I want you to remember:

This is a guide made by a professional (who has earned thousands of dollars selling his skill online), for you.

The strategies you’ll learn in How To Sell Your Digital Skill Online are the exact ones that I use to get clients whenever I want.

There’s one other thing…

I understand how intimidating it is to approach a new platform to find contracts or employment.

Every new thing you do, from finding a client, to servicing them properly seems like another mountain that you have to climb.

You feel like you have to do everything and all things at once. 

Making it hard to stay focused on strategies that you’ll probably have no time to implement.

Trust me. I’ve been there.

That’s the exact reason I’ve created a guide that is not going to overwhelm you.

I DO NOT want you to take this guide, learn a ton about selling your skills, and then feel so lost in all of the information that you don’t actually take action.

My #1 goal is to make sure that you actually get paid your worth. You’ve spent a good number of time learning a skill, it’s only normal you get PAID for it.  

I’ve made the instructions  so easy to read and implement.

So if you know that you want to start getting clients…

…and you know that you want to get hired, increase your income, and fly anywhere you want in the world, whenever you want to…  

…then it’s time to let me show you exactly how I get my OWN fair share of clients online every… single… time and how you can too. 


See you soon.

How To Sell Your Digital Skill Online. 

TODAY ₦3,999




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