Okay, okay, maybe you’ve heard it a couple of times that value is what the society holds in high esteem.
Or perhaps, what they hold in great importance. But in this context, I mean your own value. In life, in business, even in the labour market or whatever, what potential clients, clients, potential employers or employers or people generally are watching out for are those values you can bring to the table.
Have you ever asked yourself what your values are? I mean not your core values, but those things that you can offer. It may mean your skill-set, your potentials, your talent, your brilliance, your intelligence, your smartness, anything that distinguishes you; those are what I mean by your values!
Now that you have identified your value, the good news is that you can actually monetize your value.
So how do you monetize your value?
1. Own Your Value

Whether it’s your potential, talent or flair for music, or your craft, or your business, or your writing prowess, or your artistic talent, or your vastness in IT. Whether it’s your… Anything!
The first step in monetizing your value is by owning it! Your acceptance of what makes you different will go a long way in putting money in your pocket. You have to accept it. Love it. Capitalize on it. Maximize it. You have to… Own it! It’s your value. It’s what distinguishes you. If you don’t own your value, who else will?
2. Share Your Value
Sharing your value is the next step in the process of monetizing it. This can be done by practising first. Practice makes excellence.
Here’s the underscore: practice and share! For your writing skill, you can share your articles with family and loved ones. You can start a blog. If you’re an artist share your art with your family and friends. Utilize your social network greatly to share your value.
3. Show Up with Your Value
Every day, every time, everywhere, dress up and show up with your value. Let it reflects in your overall personality. You can call this branding but it goes beyond that.
Now your value is your identity. Just like me, you can be a multifaceted personality by having more than a value to offer. It’s okay. Just that in everything you do, ensure your value manifests in it.
4. Pitch Your Value
This is the next step is monetizing it. You’re close… Pitch it! Make a conscious effort to sell and promote your value. Network. When you network, add your value to your elevator speech. Who knows whether the person you’re talking to, right now, is your next client?
Remember that people are interested in those who can add value to their lives or business.
5. Offer Your Value to Those in Need
Now, this is the last phase in monetizing it. By offering your value to those in need of it in exchange for money.
If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve recognized a particular problem and you’re proferring a solution to the problem at a profit. Or if it’s your skillset, you have explored opportunities that will enable you to offer your value at a cost. If you’re a writer, you’ve identified your clients, or potential clients or they have recognized you physically or virtually (think of via your blog, or social networks or on freelance sites).
However, this is a two-way thing. Offering your value to those in need of it may not bring constant monetary gratification, but it will pay off in the long-run. Because by bringing what you’re capable of to the table, you’re stretching your mind. You’re developing yourself. You’re adding value with your value. There’s no other joy compared to this feeling when you know that your impact is felt.
Last word…
Your value may bring food to your table but it may not necessarily make you rich overnight. This isn’t a get-rich-quick hack. But if you trust the process, it’s self-fulfilling. With commitment and consistency, you’ll have your stash and more. So do not stop and have fun in the process.
Don’t forget to drop your comment, with love!